
Cast Iron Men's Ministry is a diverse group of men that gather to draw support and encouragement through God's word and fellowship of the botherhood.
It is our desire to connect women’s hearts together for friendship, support, love and ministry unto Him. That is why we have called it Heart to Heart Sisterhood. I believe, as we support each other in unity for development and growth, there won’t be any limits to what God can do through each of us and this ministry. Romans 12:10....Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. We hope to fellowship with you soon! Pastor Lillian
CHOSEN is a diverse group of powerful youth rallying around the saving Christ.
This age group is key to having a powerful and vibrant church. We invite you to come as you are and praise the Lord with us. We gather every Friday at 7:00 pm. So come and discover God’s purpose for your life. We await you with open arms!

Kids R.O.C.K. children’s ministry is designed to provide quality biblical teaching for children in a fun and loving environment. Teaching the Word of God creatively allows children to be interactive and
hands on in their learning. It is our desire to develop a generation of leaders for a healthy and Godly community today that will pave the way for tomorrow.

Premarital Counseling
Because Christian marriage is a holy institution, The Way Church wants couples to be well-prepared. We offer 5 week course on marriage preparation to help couples develop a sound foundation for a strong marriage based on God's word.
Our aim is to glorify God through every aspect of our worship services. Get motivated and moved by the presence of God. Romans 15:16 so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.